miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011

Propecia: Finasteride and dutasteride increase risk of high-grade prostate cancer

Propecia: Finasteride and dutasteride increase risk of high-grade prostate cancer

A recent announcement from the FDA (http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm258314.htm) and several manufacturers of these tablets, further underscores the need to use 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride or dutasteride with caution.

We advise physicians who treat male alopecia to only use finasteride as a last resort and not a front-line treatment and always for the shortest duration possible. With the latest progress in topical therapy patients can achieve outstanding results and control this problem by applying various agents locally and therefore limit their presence in the general blood circulation.

The goods news is that very significant advances have been made in topical therapies with various molecules that trigger certain processes in the scalp and can control many of the underlying factors that lead to male pattern baldness. In addition, new encapsulation techniques enable more precise targeting of ingredients to the dermal papilla.

The products in our Revita and Spectral lines are the culmination of this vast body of research. We encourage you to investigate these products closely when considering your options.

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